Dr. Ashtiani, Farid
Associate Professor
Address: Room 607E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165924
Email: ashtianimt@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Analysis and improvement of latency in data storage and retrieval systems in mobile networks
• Analysis and enhancement of the performance of sixth-generation networks considering emerging technologies such as intelligent surfaces for smart wave guidance
• Analysis and design of network protocols based on the fundamental criterion of information age

Dr. Ahi, Behzad
Assistant Professor
Address: Room 315E (3rd Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165982
Email: ahi@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Sensor fusion - Navigation
• Reinforcement learning
• Estimation theory - Nonlinear filters
• Secure control
• Active disturbance rejection control (ADRC)
• Autonomous vehicle - Multi-rotor

Dr. Ahmadi Boroujeni, Mehdi
Assistant Professor
Address: Room 612E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165929
Email: ahmadi@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Design and implementation of a millimeter-wave imaging system for real-time detection of concealed metallic objects at long distances at a frequency of 100 GHz
• Design and analysis of new waveguides based on plasmonic structures for the implementation of waveguide devices required in millimeter-wave and terahertz integrated circuits
• Design, analysis, and fabrication of various electromagnetic devices such as antennas, polarization converters, lenses, and reflectors in the millimeter-wave and terahertz bands

Dr. Akbar, Fatemeh
Assistant Professor
Address: Room 611E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165928
Email: fakbar@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• RF/mmWave IC Design
• Wireline Communications
• Ultra-low-power IC Design
• Applied EM

Dr. Akbari, Mahmoud
Associate Professor
Address: Room 002W (Ground Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164372
Email: makbari@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Design and simulation of a CMOS magnetic sensor for bio-sensing applications

Dr. Amiri, Rouhollah
Assistant Professor
Address: Room 314E (3rd Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165945
Email: amiri@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Statistical signal processing
• Radio localization and sensing
• Radar signal processing
• AI for communications
• Integrated sensing and communications

Dr. Amini, Arash
Associate Professor
Address: Room 718E (7th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164382
Email: aamini@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Graph Signal Processing, especially Graph Learning
• Large Language Models
• Compressed Sensing and Sparse Modeling
• Quality Assessment System for Audio, Image, and Video using Various Metrics
• Person Detection and Tracking System in a Building with Multiple Cameras
• Signal (especially Image) Modeling and Processing using Graphs

Dr. Oraee, Hashem
Address: Room 624E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165940
Email: oraee@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Design, Development of Technical Knowledge, and Construction of a New Generation of Measurement Transformers (Electronic and Optical)
• Optimization of the Electrical Energy Supply System for Agricultural Pumps Using Renewable Energy
• Proposing a New Plan for the Country’s Unstable and Chaotic Energy System

Dr. Babazadeh, Maryam
Associate Professor
Address: Room 716E (7th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164362
Email: babazadeh@sharif.ir
Website: Personal Webpage
• Distributed Learning in Large-Scale Control Systems
• Development of Distributed Optimization Algorithms
• Optimization in Energy Systems

Dr. Babaie-Zadeh, Massoud
Address: Room 608E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165925
Email: mbzadeh@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Blind Source Separation (BSS)
• Graph Signal Processing (GSP)
• Parallel algorithms for Signal Processing
• Sparsity-aware Signal Processing (Compressed Sensing)
• Machine Learning

Dr. Bagheri Shouraki, Saeed
Address: Room 105W (1st Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164344
Email: bagheri-s@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Artificial Brain
• Robotics
• Fuzzy Systems and Controllers
• Soft Computing
• Data Acquisition Systems
• Neural Networks

Dr. Banai, Ali
Address: Room 301W (3rd Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164355
Email: banai@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Design and fabrication of very low-noise microwave oscillators

Dr. Behroozi, Hamid
Associate Professor
Address: Room 604E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165946
Email: behroozi@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Secure Communication for the Internet-of-Things, and for UAV-aided Cooperative Multiple Access Network using Machine-Learning based Physical Layer Techniques
• Hybrid Precoding and Beamforming with Deep Learning for Millimeter Wave massive MIMO and 5G Communication Networks
• MIMO Radars: Detection, DOA Estimation, Sparse Antenna and Pulse Placement

Dr. Behnia, Fereidoon
Address: Room 421E (4th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165967
Email: behnia@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Radar
• Signal Processing
• Localization

Dr. Pakravan, Mohammad Reza
Associate Professor
Address: Room 605E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165922
Email: pakravan@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Enhancement of the design and implementation of optical and wireless communication networks for data exchange in next-generation networks

Dr. Parniani, Mostafa
Address: Room 417E (4th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165963
Email: parniani@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Stability, Dynamics, and Control of Electrical Energy Systems
• Development of Renewable Energy Sources’ Participation in Grid Control
• Synchronized Wide-Area Measurement, Monitoring and Control Systems
• Evaluation of Challenges and Performance Improvement of Renewable Power Plants in Grid Connection
• Applications of Power Electronics in Power Systems

Dr. Tavazoei, Mohammad Saleh
Address: Room 715E (7th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164386
Email: tavazoei@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Adaptability in Control Systems Related to Synthetic Biology
• Event-Driven Control: Methods and Applications
• Analysis and Control of Oscillatory Behaviors in Dynamic Systems

Dr. Tahami, Farzad
Address: Room 415E (4th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165961
Email: tahami@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Development of power electronic converters technology for electric vehicles
• Design and manufacture of electric vehicle motors
• Wireless charging for electric vehicles

Dr. Jahed, Mehran
Associate Professor
Address: Room 621E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165937
Email: jahed@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Utilization of Ultrasound Imaging and Adaptive Controllers for Soft Tissue Biopsy
• Investigation and Implementation of Tinnitus Treatment Methods
• Examination of Fault-Tolerant Fuzzy Control Systems for Drug Delivery

Dr. Hajsadeghi, Khosrow
Associate Professor
Address: Room 601E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165918
Email: ksadeghi@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Electronics

Dr. Hajipour, Ehsan
Assistant Professor
Address: Room 602E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164394
Email: e_hajipour@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Design of a Smart Computer Relay for Arc Fault Detection Using Optical Sensors
• Data Mining of Household Consumption Behavior in Greater Tehran with a Big Data Analysis Approach
• Design of Algorithms and Construction of a Digital Numerical Relay for Power Transformer Protection

Dr. Hajipour, Sepideh
Assistant Professor
Address: Room 613E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165930
Email: hajipour@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Processing electroencephalogram (EEG) signals for the detection of epilepsy and seizures, and localization of epileptic sources in the brain
• Designing and implementing brain-computer interfaces for spelling letters by individuals with disabilities
• Processing electroencephalogram (EEG) signals for the detection and classification of depression

Dr. Haeri, Mohammad
Address: Room 418E (4th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165964
Email: haeri@sharif.ir
Website: Personal Webpage
• Model predictive control (including data driven)
• Optimization (including distributed and cooperative)
• Secure control of cyber physical systems (including multi party computation)

Dr. Hossein Khalaj, Babak
Address: Room 413E (4th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165958
Email: khalaj@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Implementation of intelligent platforms for next-generation mobile networks (5G and beyond)
• Methods for distributed learning and processing at the network edge (Edge Computing)
• Identification of appropriate drug treatments based on genomic data in the novel approach of Precision Medicine

Dr. Hosseini, Seyed Hamid
Address: Room 615E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165932
Email: hosseini@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Smart microgrids operation and planning
• Distributed energy resources operation and planning
• Peer-to-peer energy trading

Dr. Hosseini Tehrani, Yas
Assistant Professor
Address: Room 502E (5th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165909
Email: yhtehrani@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Smart measurement circuits and systems
• Integrated and switching power supply circuits
• Design and implementation of a comprehensive structural health monitoring solution, equipment, and smart measurement based on the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence
• Design and implementation of ultra-low power circuits and systems

Dr. Khavasi, Amin
Associate Professor
Address: Room 709E (7th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164392
Email: khavasi@sharif.ir
Website: Personal Webpage
• Development of metamaterial biosensors for the detection of circulating cells/viruses in the bloodstream
• ESIM services based on communication satellites and satellite constellations
• Development of millimeter-wave imaging systems
• Enhancement of the immunity of printed circuit boards against external radiation

Dr. Zolghadri, Mohammad Reza
Associate Professor
Address: Room 419E (4th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165965
Email: zolghadr@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Reinforcement of power electronic converters used in distribution networks
• Protection of electric motor drives against faults through rapid fault detection of components and modification of converter structure and control

Dr. Ravanji, Mohammad Hasan
Assistant Professor
Address: Room 312W (3rd Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164318
Email: ravanji@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Design, control, dynamics, operation, and improvement of the integration of renewable resources in power systems and microgrids
• Model order reduction of power systems
• Stability studies of power systems and microgrids

Dr. Rajaei Salmasi, Behzad
Associate Professor
Address: Room 620E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165936
Email: rejaei@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Microwave and photonics

Dr. Rashidian, Bizhan
Address: Room 628E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165938
Email: rashidia@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Ion implantation in a plasma environment

Dr. Rezaeizadeh, Amin
Assistant Professor
Address: Room 108W (1st Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164345
Email: aminre@sharif.ir
Website: Personal Webpage
• Automatic control based on optimization and estimation theory

Dr. Zarghani, Mostafa
Assistant Professor
Address: Room 309E (3rd Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165976
Email: zarghani@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
Development of High-Voltage and High-Power Power Supply Technologies:
• Series and parallel configurations of semiconductor switches for high voltages and currents
• Analysis of environmental conditions and converter lifetime effects on output quality
• Modeling and control of high-voltage power electronic converters
• Insulation issues and reliability of high-voltage power electronic converters
• Pulse shape quality in pulsed power supplies
• Electromagnetic interference in power electronic converters

Dr. Sarvari, Reza
Associate Professor
Address: Room 120W (1st Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164334
Email: sarvari@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Electronics

Dr. Shah-Mansouri, Hamed
Assistant Professor
Address: Room 714E (7th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164373
Email: hamedsh@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Optimal allocation of computational resources in Internet of Things (IoT) systems
• Edge intelligence in cloud computing systems
• Machine learning-based updates in software-defined networks

Dr. Sharifkhani, Mohammad
Associate Professor
Address: Room 710E (7th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164391
Email: msharifk@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Electronics

Dr. Shabany, Mahdi
Associate Professor
Address: Room 707E (7th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164366
Email: mahdi@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Design and construction of a 3D imaging device for security monitoring
• Design and implementation of a high-speed LiFi system (secure alternative to Wi-Fi)
• Design and construction of high-speed programmable secure transmitters and receivers

Dr. Shamsollahi, Mohammad Bagher
Address: Room 101W (1st Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164356
Email: mbshams@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Signal processing based on cardiac signal models for noise reduction
• Detection of arrhythmias and separation of fetal heart signals
• Noise reduction in epileptic brain signals using blind and semi-blind source separation methods

Dr. Shishegar, Amir Ahmad
Address: Room 210W (2nd Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164371
Email: shishegar@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Analytical and computational electromagnetics
• Artificial intelligence and learning in electromagnetics
• Bio-electromagnetics
• EM-wave propagations

Dr. Salehi, Javad
Address: Room 118W (1st Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164346
Email: jasalehi@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Fundamentals of quantum communication signals and systems
• Optical multiaccess networks (fiber based and wireless)
• Wireless communications for new generations of mobile systems

Dr. Safdarian, Amir
Associate Professor
Address: Room 113W (1st Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164381
Email: safdarian@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Identification of components in the power distribution system and urban sections of the transmission system for assessing and enhancing system resilience against earthquake events
• Placement of isolating switches in the power distribution network considering the financial risk arising from various uncertainties
• Examination of the current and desired state of the national power grid from the perspective of ease of restoration, and providing a roadmap to achieve the desired state

Dr. Aref, Mohammad Reza
Address: Room 619E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165935
Email: aref@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Information theory, cryptography, and security

Dr. Atarodi, Seyed Mojtaba
Address: Room 106W (1st Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164336
Email: atarodi@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Comprehensive solution for smart metering and measurement based on the Internet of Things (IoT)
• Design and development of chips and operating systems for smart cards and mobile SIM cards
• Design and development of multimedia systems

Dr. Fatemizadeh, Emad
Associate Professor
Address: Room 110W (1st Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164351
Email: fatemizadeh@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Medical Image Analysis: Unraveling the mysteries hidden within medical images
• Machine Learning: Leveraging algorithms to extract meaningful insights
• Brain Imaging: Investigating multi-modal brain data for improved diagnostics

Dr. Fotowat Ahmady, Ali
Associate Professor
Address: Room 706E (7th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165919
Email: afotowat@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Automotive radar
• Automotive LIDAR
• Wireless charger for brain implants - Wireless power and data transfer for implantable medical devices
• Smart wireless electrocardiogram (ECG) device with disease detection capability

Dr. Fotuhi Firuzabad, Mahmud
Address: Room 630E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165921
Email: fotuhi@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Evaluation of the impact of substations and their configurations on the reliability indices of the transmission and sub-transmission power network
• Development of a comprehensive resilience program for the power distribution network in Alborz Province through the identification, proposal, and standardization of processes, and the provision of feasible corrective actions to improve system resilience
• Assessment and calculation of optimal and economic reliability indices for the power distribution network in Greater Tehran
• Stability and continuity of service for power supply and distribution systems in the telecommunication centers of the Telecommunication Infrastructure Company
• Determination of optimal switching points considering the uncertainties of distributed generation resources, load, and operational constraints

Dr. Fakharzadeh, Mohammad
Associate Professor
Address: Room 711E (7th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164390
Email: fakharzadeh@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Design and development of millimeter-wave receiver and transmitter systems for 5G mobile communications
• Design and development of millimeter-wave imaging systems
• Design and development of various antenna arrays and phased array communication systems
• Design of smart sensors for measuring vital signals such as ECG heart signals, blood pressure, skin resistance, etc.
• Processing of vital signals for disease diagnosis using machine learning

Dr. Fardmanesh, Mehdi
Address: Room 603E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165920
Email: fardmanesh@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Electronics

Dr. Farzaneh, Forouhar
Address: Room 310W (3rd Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164331
Email: farzaneh@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Direction finding and beamforming in three-dimensional smart antenna arrays
• Broadband microwave direction finding based on phase interferometry
• Analysis and design of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmitters with phase-locked loops for millimeter-wave applications

Dr. Farhadi, Alireza
Associate Professor
Address: Room 623E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165939
Email: afarhadi@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Design and construction of a practical prototype of Industry 4.0-based systems for real-time diagnostics of the electrical and electronic subsystems of domestically manufactured vehicles

Dr. Ghazizadeh, Ali
Associate Professor
Address: Room 706E (7th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164364
Email: ghazizadeh@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Investigation of the performance of the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia in primate models of Parkinson’s disease
• Examination of the brain circuits involved in reward learning and memory in humans and monkeys
• Localization of brain sources using EEG and fMRI

Dr. Kaboli, Shahriyar
Address: Room 622E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165944
Email: kaboli@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• High Voltage Power Electronics

Dr. Kavehvash, Zahra
Address: Room 713E (7th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164388
Email: kavehvash@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Millimeter-wave and microwave imaging for security monitoring of critical and sensitive locations, as well as medical imaging
• Ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging for medical diagnostic applications, early cancer detection, and functional brain imaging
• Radar and LiDAR in vehicles for smart vehicle technology
• Optical processors to enhance the speed of processing large volumes of data

Dr. Karbasi, Seyed Mohammad
Associate Professor
Address: Room 501E (5th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165903
Email: m.karbasi@sharif.ir
Website: Personal Webpage
• Improvement of radar imaging
• Design of an optimized filter bank for wideband processors
• Conceptual design of a satellite-based passive radar
• Classification of radar signals using artificial intelligence

Dr. Golestani, Seyed Jamaloddin
Associate Professor
Address: Room 629E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165993
Email: golestani@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Communication systems and networks

Dr. Mojahedian, Mohammad Mahdi
Assistant Professor
Address: Room 313E (3rd Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165931
Email: mojahedian@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Various areas of information and coding theory

Dr. Mohammadzade, Hoda
Associate Professor
Address: Room 610E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165927
Email: hoda@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Brain Signal Classification
• Action Recognition
• Facial Image Alignment
• Cuff-less Estimation of Blood Pressure

Dr. Mokhtari, Hossein
Address: Room 416E (4th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165962
Email: mokhtari@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Development of technical knowledge and construction of high-power static inverters with a focus on the urban rail transportation industry
• Diagnosis of the cause of high 5th harmonic levels in the power transmission network from Iran to Turkey
• Development of technical knowledge and construction of power quality improvement converters in low-voltage networks with a capacity of 400 amperes
• Study and modeling of harmonic/unbalance propagation in interconnected and extensive networks
• Identification and provision of solutions for the instability of the power network at the Ilam Gas Refinery under isolated conditions

Dr. Medi, Ali
Address: Room 004W (Ground Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164340
Email: medi@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Electronics

Dr. Memarian, Mohammad
Associate Professor
Address: Room 109W (1st Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164352
Email: mmemarian@sharif.ir
Website: Personal Webpage
• Isolation, amplification, and frequency conversion using novel time-varying systems and devices from microwave to light
• Optical and microwave implementation of computers based on deep and reservoir neural networks
• Design and application of metamaterials and metasurfaces for unconventional guidance and scattering of telecommunication and optical waves to enhance communication systems

Dr. Mehrani, Khashayar
Address: Room 111W (1st Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164326
Email: mehrany@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Photonics of Time-Varying Structures
• Optical Neural Networks
• Optomechanics

Dr. Mirmohseni, Mahtab
Associate Professor
Address: Room 609E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165926
Email: mirmohseni@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Security and privacy in distributed systems and networks
• Molecular communication networks
• Emerging technologies in future networks (5G and beyond)

Dr. Namvar, Mehrzad
Associate Professor
Address: Room 606E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165923
Email: namvar@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Attitude estimation & control of satellites
• Control of cooperative robots
• Path planning and control of mobile robots with application in self driving cars

Dr. Nayebi, Mohammad Mahdi
Address: Room 627E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165943
Email: nayebi@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Detection & estimation theory
• Radar signal processing
• Pattern recognition
• Electromagnetic compatibility
• Communications

Dr. Nasiri-Gheidari, Zahra
Address: Room 712E (7th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164389
Email: znasiri@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Design, technical knowledge development, and construction of various electric machines and electromagnetic position sensors

Dr. Nasiri-Kenari, Masoumeh
Address: Room 117W (1st Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164333
Email: mnasiri@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Wireless communications

Dr. Nobakhti, Amin
Associate Professor
Address: Room 708E (7th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164393
Email: nobakhti@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Percision agriculture
• Quantum computation control
• Wind farm control

Dr. Vosoughi Vahdat, Bijan
Associate Professor
Address: Room 616E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165933
Email: vahdat@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Modeling of the retinal nervous system
• Infrared vein display system
• Processing of human sperm images for infertility diagnosis
• Electrical impedance imaging system
• Detection of cancerous tissues using deep learning

Dr. Vakilian, Mehdi
Address: Room 625E (6th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66165941
Email: vakilian@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Design and implementation of a fault detection algorithm for underground high-voltage cables using wireless UHF partial discharge measurement method
• Design and construction of a high-temperature superconductor (HTS) transformer with a capacity of 10 kiloamperes at the distribution voltage level

Dr. Hadi, Mohammad
Assistant Professor
Address: Room 107W (1st Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164383
Email: mohammad.hadi@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Resource Allocation Management in Modern Optical Networks
• Resource Allocation Management in Modern Radio Networks
• AI-based Network Management

Dr. Hashemi, Matin
Associate Professor
Address: Room 119W (1st Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164307
Email: matin@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Design and Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in Embedded Edge System Applications (Edge AI)

Dr. Yassaee, Mohammad Hossein
Assistant Professor
Address: Room 717E (7th Floor)
Phone Number: +98(21)66164327
Email: yassaee@sharif.edu
Website: Personal Webpage
• Examination of fundamental limitations (from an information theory perspective) of networks considering delay
• Covert communications over networks
• Analysis of correlation metrics and their application in secure communications (both classical and quantum) and learning
• Distributed statistical learning