Title |
Country |
Publisher |
Month |
Year |
SR |
ACM Computing Surveys |
United States |
October |
2022 |
SR1 |
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems |
United States |
May |
2019 |
SR5 |
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems |
United States |
October |
2022 |
SR4 |
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems |
United States |
October |
2022 |
SR3 |
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction |
United States |
May |
2019 |
SR5 |
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems |
United States |
May |
2019 |
SR5 |
ACM Transactions on Graphics |
United States |
October |
2022 |
SR1 |
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology |
United States |
October |
2022 |
SR3 |
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology |
United States |
October |
2022 |
SR3 |
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications |
United States |
October |
2022 |
SR3 |
ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security |
United States |
May |
2019 |
SR3 |
ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems |
United States |
May |
2019 |
SR5 |
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks |
United States |
May |
2019 |
SR3 |
Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) |
China |
Springer |
May |
2019 |
SR6 |
Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Romania |
Other |
May |
2019 |
SR7 |
Aerospace Science and Technology |
Netherlands |
Elsevier |
May |
2019 |
SR3 |
AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications |
Germany |
Elsevier |
October |
2024 |
SR4 |
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology |
United Kingdom |
Emerald Insight |
May |
2019 |
SR7 |
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing |
Netherlands |
Springer |
May |
2019 |
SR6 |
Annals of Biomedical Engineering |
Netherlands |
Springer |
December |
2023 |
SR2 |
Applied Acoustics |
United Kingdom |
Elsevier |
May |
2019 |
SR3 |
Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal |
United States |
Other |
May |
2019 |
SR7 |
Applied Energy |
United Kingdom |
Elsevier |
May |
2019 |
SR1 |
Applied Intelligence |
Netherlands |
Springer |
May |
2019 |
SR4 |
Applied Mathematical Modelling |
United States |
Elsevier |
May |
2019 |
SR3 |
Applied Mathematics and Computation |
United States |
Elsevier |
May |
2019 |
SR3 |
Applied Optics |
United States |
May |
2023 |
SR3 |
Applied Physics Letters |
United States |
May |
2023 |
SR1 |
Applied Soft Computing Journal |
Netherlands |
Elsevier |
May |
2019 |
SR2 |
Applied Surface Science |
Netherlands |
Elsevier |
May |
2019 |
SR1 |
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering |
Germany |
Springer |
May |
2019 |
SR7 |
Artificial Intelligence |
Netherlands |
Elsevier |
May |
2019 |
SR2 |
Asian Journal of Control |
Japan |
Wiley |
December |
2023 |
SR4 |
Automatica |
United Kingdom |
Elsevier |
October |
2023 |
SR1 |
BioMedical Engineering Online |
United Kingdom |
BioMed Central |
December |
2023 |
SR5 |
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control |
Netherlands |
Elsevier |
October |
2023 |
SR3 |
Biometrical Journal |
Germany |
Wiley |
May |
2019 |
SR5 |
Biosensors and Bioelectronics |
United Kingdom |
Elsevier |
December |
2023 |
SR1 |
BMC Bioinformatics |
United Kingdom |
BioMed Central |
December |
2023 |
SR3 |
Brain Stimulation |
Netherlands |
Elsevier |
May |
2019 |
SR2 |
Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Canada |
May |
2019 |
SR7 |
Cancer Research |
United States |
March |
2020 |
SR1 |
Cerebral Cortex |
United States |
May |
2023 |
SR2 |
Chaos |
United States |
May |
2019 |
SR3 |
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals |
United Kingdom |
Elsevier |
May |
2019 |
SR4 |
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing |
United States |
Springer |
December |
2023 |
SR5 |
Cognitive Computation |
United States |
Springer |
May |
2019 |
SR4 |
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation |
Netherlands |
Elsevier |
May |
2019 |
SR2 |
Communications of the ACM |
United States |
May |
2019 |
SR1 |
Computational Complexity |
Switzerland |
Springer |
May |
2019 |
SR5 |
Computational Visual Media |
China |
Springer |
May |
2023 |
SR4 |
Computer Communications |
Netherlands |
Elsevier |
October |
2024 |
SR3 |
Computer Journal |
United Kingdom |
Oxford Academic |
June |
2019 |
SR4 |
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine |
Ireland |
Elsevier |
October |
2023 |
SR3 |
Computer Speech and Language |
United States |
Elsevier |
June |
2019 |
SR4 |
Computer Vision and Image Understanding |
United States |
Elsevier |
May |
2024 |
SR2 |
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics |
United Kingdom |
Elsevier |
December |
2023 |
SR3 |
Computers and Electrical Engineering |
United Kingdom |
Elsevier |
June |
2019 |
SR5 |
Computers and Mathematics with Applications |
United Kingdom |
Elsevier |
June |
2019 |
SR3 |
Computers in Biology and Medicine |
United Kingdom |
Elsevier |
December |
2023 |
SR3 |
Computers in Human Behavior |
United Kingdom |
Elsevier |
December |
2023 |
SR2 |
Computing and Informatics |
Slovakia |
Other |
June |
2019 |
SR7 |
Control Engineering Practice |
United Kingdom |
Elsevier |
December |
2023 |
SR2 |
Current Biology |
United States |
Other |
December |
2023 |
SR1 |
Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal |
United States |
Elsevier |
February |
2023 |
SR4 |
Electric Power Components and Systems |
United Kingdom |
Taylor and Francis |
July |
2019 |
SR5 |
Electric Power Systems Research |
Netherlands |
Elsevier |
July |
2019 |
SR2 |
Electrical Engineering |
Germany |
Springer |
July |
2019 |
SR6 |
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters |
United States |
Electrochemical Society |
July |
2019 |
SR3 |
Electromagnetics |
United Kingdom |
Taylor and Francis |
July |
2019 |
SR6 |
Electronics Letters |
United Kingdom |
July |
2019 |
SR3 |
eLife |
England |
May |
2023 |
SR1 |
Energy |
United Kingdom |
Elsevier |
July |
2019 |
SR2 |
Energy and Buildings |
Netherlands |
Elsevier |
July |
2019 |
SR2 |
Energy Conversion and Management |
United Kingdom |
Elsevier |
July |
2019 |
SR3 |
Energy Economics |
Netherlands |
Elsevier |
July |
2019 |
SR3 |
Energy Exploration and Exploitation |
United Kingdom |
July |
2019 |
SR5 |
Energy Policy |
United Kingdom |
Elsevier |
July |
2019 |
SR3 |
eNeuro |
United States |
SfN |
January |
2023 |
SR3 |
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence |
United Kingdom |
Elsevier |
July |
2019 |
SR3 |
Entropy |
Switzerland |
Other |
July |
2019 |
SR4 |
Epilepsy and Behavior |
United States |
Elsevier |
July |
2019 |
SR4 |
ETRI Journal |
South Korea |
Other |
July |
2019 |
SR7 |
Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing |
United States |
Springer |
December |
2023 |
SR5 |
Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking |
United States |
Springer |
July |
2019 |
SR5 |
European Journal of Control |
France |
Elsevier |
December |
2023 |
SR3 |
European Transactions on Telecommunications |
Italy |
Wiley |
July |
2019 |
SR4 |
Expert Systems |
United Kingdom |
Wiley |
July |
2019 |
SR6 |
Fiber and Integrated Optics |
United Kingdom |
Taylor and Francis |
July |
2019 |
SR7 |
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience |
Switzerland |
Frontiers Media S.A. |
December |
2023 |
SR5 |
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience |
Switzerland |
Frontiers Media S.A. |
December |
2023 |
SR5 |
Frontiers in Neuroscience |
Switzerland |
Frontiers Media S.A. |
May |
2023 |
SR3 |
Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making |
United States |
Kluwer Academic Publishers |
July |
2019 |
SR3 |
Fuzzy Sets and Systems |
Netherlands |
Elsevier |
July |
2019 |
SR2 |
Games and Economic Behavior |
United States |
Academic Press |
July |
2019 |
SR2 |
Human Brain Mapping |
United States |
Wiley |
May |
2023 |
SR2 |
IEEE Access |
United States |
May |
2024 |
SR3 |
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine |
United States |
December |
2022 |
SR3 |
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters |
United States |
February |
2023 |
SR2 |
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine |
United States |
December |
2022 |
SR3 |
IEEE Communications Letters |
United States |
December |
2022 |
SR2 |
IEEE Communications Magazine |
United States |
December |
2022 |
SR1 |
IEEE Control Systems Letters |
United States |
October |
2023 |
SR2 |
IEEE Control Systems Magazine |
United States |
December |
2023 |
SR2 |
IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine |
United States |
August |
2019 |
SR4 |
IEEE Electron Device Letters |
United States |
August |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters |
United States |
August |
2019 |
SR2 |
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine |
United States |
August |
2019 |
SR2 |
IEEE Intelligent Systems |
United States |
August |
2019 |
SR2 |
IEEE Internet of Things Journal |
United States |
October |
2024 |
SR1 |
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics |
United States |
December |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics |
United States |
August |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering |
United States |
October |
2019 |
SR3 |
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics |
United States |
December |
2023 |
SR2 |
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics |
United States |
May |
2023 |
SR2 |
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing |
United States |
August |
2019 |
SR2 |
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits |
United States |
August |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems |
United States |
October |
2019 |
SR2 |
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications |
United States |
December |
2022 |
SR1 |
IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics |
United States |
September |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing |
United States |
December |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Micro Magazine |
United States |
September |
2019 |
SR3 |
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters |
United States |
May |
2023 |
SR2 |
IEEE Microwave Magazine |
United States |
September |
2019 |
SR3 |
IEEE Multimedia Magazine |
United States |
September |
2019 |
SR3 |
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society |
United States |
May |
2021 |
SR4 |
IEEE Photonics Journal |
United States |
September |
2019 |
SR2 |
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters |
United States |
February |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine |
United States |
September |
2019 |
SR2 |
IEEE Sensors Journal |
United States |
December |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Signal Processing Letters |
United States |
December |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine |
United States |
December |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Systems Journal |
United States |
October |
2019 |
SR2 |
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing |
United States |
October |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation |
United States |
May |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity |
United States |
Elsevier |
May |
2024 |
SR2 |
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing |
United States |
October |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control |
United States |
December |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering |
United States |
October |
2023 |
SR2 |
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems |
United States |
October |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering |
United States |
May |
2024 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting |
United States |
October |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology |
United States |
October |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers |
United States |
December |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs |
United States |
December |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing |
United States |
February |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems |
United States |
April |
2023 |
SR3 |
IEEE Transactions on Communications |
United States |
October |
2024 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems |
United States |
October |
2019 |
SR2 |
IEEE Transactions on Computers |
United States |
May |
2024 |
SR2 |
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics |
United States |
May |
2024 |
SR3 |
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems |
United States |
December |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology |
United States |
October |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics |
United States |
October |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing |
United States |
October |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability |
United States |
October |
2019 |
SR2 |
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR2 |
IEEE Transactions on Education |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR3 |
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR2 |
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing |
United States |
October |
2022 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems |
United States |
October |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking |
United States |
May |
2024 |
SR2 |
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing |
United States |
May |
2024 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics |
United States |
February |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security |
United States |
February |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory |
United States |
October |
2024 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement |
United States |
October |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems |
United States |
October |
2024 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics |
United States |
December |
2023 |
SR3 |
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging |
United States |
May |
2024 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques |
United States |
May |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing |
United States |
February |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR2 |
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR2 |
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management |
United States |
May |
2024 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering |
United States |
May |
2024 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems |
United States |
June |
2024 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science |
United States |
May |
2023 |
SR3 |
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems |
United States |
October |
2022 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence |
United States |
February |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR3 |
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Reliability |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing |
United States |
October |
2024 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks |
United States |
March |
2022 |
SR2 |
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing |
United States |
June |
2024 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part A: Systems and Humans |
United States |
November |
2019 |
0 |
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part B: Cybernetics |
United States |
November |
2019 |
0 |
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems |
United States |
February |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology |
United States |
December |
2023 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification |
United States |
February |
2022 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology |
United States |
October |
2024 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR2 |
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications |
United States |
October |
2024 |
SR1 |
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters |
United States |
May |
2024 |
SR1 |
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing |
United States |
May |
2024 |
SR1 |
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics |
United States |
December |
2023 |
SR2 |
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking |
United States |
October |
2024 |
SR1 |
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR1 |
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica |
United States |
April |
2021 |
SR3 |
IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology |
United States |
March |
2020 |
SR2 |
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
United States |
November |
2019 |
SR6 |
IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications |
Japan |
November |
2019 |
SR7 |
IEICE Electronics Express |
Japan |
December |
2019 |
SR7 |
IEICE Transactions on Communications |
Japan |
December |
2019 |
SR5 |
IEICE Transactions on Electronics |
Japan |
December |
2019 |
SR6 |
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences |
Japan |
December |
2019 |
SR7 |
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems |
Japan |
December |
2019 |
SR7 |
IET Circuits, Devices and Systems |
United Kingdom |
December |
2019 |
SR4 |
IET Communications |
United Kingdom |
October |
2024 |
SR4 |
IET Computer Vision |
United Kingdom |
December |
2019 |
SR5 |
IET Computers and Digital Techniques |
United Kingdom |
December |
2019 |
SR5 |
IET Control Theory and Applications |
United Kingdom |
October |
2023 |
SR3 |
IET Electric Power Applications |
United Kingdom |
January |
2020 |
SR3 |
IET Electrical Systems in Transportation |
United Kingdom |
February |
2022 |
SR4 |
IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution |
United Kingdom |
January |
2020 |
SR2 |
IET Image Processing |
United Kingdom |
October |
2024 |
SR4 |
IET Information Security |
United Kingdom |
December |
2019 |
SR5 |
IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation |
United Kingdom |
December |
2023 |
SR4 |
IET Nanobiotechnology |
United Kingdom |
December |
2019 |
SR4 |
IET Optoelectronics |
United Kingdom |
December |
2019 |
SR4 |
IET Power Electronics |
United Kingdom |
January |
2020 |
SR2 |
IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation |
United Kingdom |
December |
2019 |
SR2 |
IET Renewable Power Generation |
United Kingdom |
January |
2020 |
SR3 |
IET Science, Measurement and Technology |
United Kingdom |
December |
2019 |
SR4 |
IET Signal Processing |
United Kingdom |
October |
2024 |
0 |
IET Wireless Sensor Systems |
United Kingdom |
December |
2019 |
SR3 |
Image and Vision Computing |
United Kingdom |
January |
2020 |
SR2 |
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research |
United States |
January |
2020 |
SR1 |
Information Processing Letters |
Netherlands |
January |
2020 |
SR4 |
Information Sciences |
United States |
Elsevier |
January |
2020 |
SR2 |
Insight: Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring |
United Kingdom |
January |
2020 |
SR6 |
Integration, the VLSI Journal |
Netherlands |
March |
2020 |
SR5 |
Intelligent Data Analysis |
Netherlands |
January |
2020 |
SR6 |
International Journal for Remote Sensing |
United Kingdom |
January |
2020 |
SR3 |
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning |
United States |
Elsevier |
January |
2020 |
SR3 |
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering |
Singapore |
January |
2020 |
SR4 |
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications |
United Kingdom |
January |
2020 |
SR4 |
International Journal of Communication Systems |
United Kingdom |
January |
2020 |
SR5 |
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems |
Netherlands |
January |
2020 |
SR5 |
International Journal of Control |
United Kingdom |
October |
2023 |
SR3 |
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems |
South Korea |
January |
2020 |
SR5 |
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems |
United Kingdom |
January |
2020 |
SR2 |
International Journal of Energy Research |
United Kingdom |
January |
2020 |
SR3 |
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems |
Taiwan |
Other |
January |
2020 |
SR5 |
International Journal of Information Security |
Germany |
January |
2020 |
SR4 |
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics |
United States |
Springer |
January |
2020 |
SR4 |
International Journal of Mobile Communications |
United Kingdom |
January |
2020 |
SR5 |
International Journal of Modern Physics B |
Singapore |
January |
2020 |
SR6 |
International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields |
United Kingdom |
January |
2020 |
SR6 |
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence |
Singapore |
January |
2020 |
SR5 |
International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering |
United States |
January |
2020 |
SR5 |
International Journal of Robotics Research |
United States |
January |
2020 |
SR1 |
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control |
United Kingdom |
October |
2023 |
SR2 |
International Journal of Systems Science |
United Kingdom |
January |
2020 |
SR3 |
International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing |
Singapore |
January |
2020 |
SR7 |
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition |
Germany |
January |
2020 |
SR6 |
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems |
United Kingdom |
January |
2020 |
SR5 |
Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
Iran |
January |
2020 |
SR7 |
France |
Elsevier |
January |
2020 |
SR6 |
ISA Transactions |
United States |
October |
2023 |
SR3 |
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics |
Japan |
January |
2020 |
SR5 |
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing |
Germany |
January |
2020 |
SR5 |
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments |
Netherlands |
January |
2020 |
SR5 |
Journal of Applied Physics |
United States |
December |
2023 |
SR1 |
Journal of Applied Physiology |
United States |
March |
2020 |
SR2 |
Journal of Biomedical Informatics |
United States |
March |
2020 |
SR2 |
Journal of Biomedical Optics |
United States |
Other |
May |
2024 |
SR2 |
Journal of Biomedical Science |
United Kingdom |
March |
2020 |
SR3 |
Journal of Biophotonics |
Germany |
Wiley |
August |
2022 |
SR3 |
Journal of Building Engineering |
Netherlands |
Elsevier |
April |
2021 |
SR4 |
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers |
Singapore |
January |
2020 |
SR7 |
Journal of Communications and Networks |
South Korea |
January |
2020 |
SR5 |
Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics |
Russian Federation |
January |
2020 |
SR6 |
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics |
Netherlands |
January |
2020 |
SR3 |
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics |
United States |
January |
2020 |
SR3 |
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience |
United States |
January |
2020 |
SR6 |
Journal of Computational Neuroscience |
Netherlands |
January |
2020 |
SR4 |
Journal of Computational Physics |
United States |
Academic Press |
February |
2022 |
SR1 |
Journal of Cryptology |
United States |
Springer |
January |
2020 |
SR2 |
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME |
United States |
October |
2023 |
SR4 |
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology |
South Korea |
January |
2020 |
SR7 |
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications |
United Kingdom |
January |
2020 |
SR5 |
Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA) |
Netherlands |
January |
2020 |
SR6 |
Journal of Energy Storage |
Netherlands |
May |
2023 |
SR4 |
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications |
United States |
January |
2020 |
SR3 |
Journal of Fusion Energy |
United States |
January |
2020 |
SR6 |
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics |
United States |
October |
2023 |
SR2 |
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves |
United States |
January |
2020 |
SR3 |
Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems |
Netherlands |
January |
2020 |
SR5 |
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications |
Netherlands |
January |
2020 |
SR4 |
Journal of Internet Technology |
Taiwan |
January |
2020 |
SR7 |
Journal of Lightwave Technology |
United States |
December |
2023 |
SR1 |
Journal of Machine Learning Research |
United States |
April |
2021 |
SR1 |
Journal of Magnetic Resonance |
United States |
January |
2020 |
SR2 |
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
United States |
January |
2020 |
SR1 |
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials |
Netherlands |
January |
2020 |
SR2 |
Journal of Medical Internet Research |
Canada |
February |
2020 |
SR2 |
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems |
United States |
January |
2020 |
SR1 |
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy |
Germany |
Springer Verlag |
April |
2021 |
SR4 |
Journal of Nanophotonics |
United States |
January |
2020 |
SR5 |
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology |
United States |
January |
2020 |
SR5 |
Journal of Network and Computer Applications |
United States |
January |
2020 |
SR3 |
Journal of Neural Engineering |
United Kingdom |
IOP Publishing Ltd. |
April |
2021 |
SR2 |
Journal of Neurophysiology |
United States |
American Physiological Society |
February |
2020 |
SR2 |
Journal of Neuroscience |
United States |
Society for Neuroscience |
December |
2022 |
SR1 |
Journal of Neuroscience Methods |
Netherlands |
January |
2020 |
SR3 |
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking |
United States |
January |
2020 |
SR2 |
Journal of Optics |
United Kingdom |
May |
2019 |
SR3 |
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical |
United Kingdom |
January |
2020 |
SR3 |
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics |
United Kingdom |
January |
2020 |
SR3 |
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter |
United Kingdom |
January |
2020 |
SR2 |
Journal of Power Electronics |
South Korea |
January |
2020 |
SR5 |
Journal of Process Control |
United Kingdom |
Elsevier |
October |
2023 |
SR2 |
Journal of Signal Processing Systems |
United States |
January |
2020 |
SR6 |
Journal of Sound and Vibration |
United States |
January |
2020 |
SR2 |
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research |
United States |
January |
2020 |
SR2 |
Journal of Supercomputing |
Netherlands |
January |
2020 |
SR5 |
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism |
United States |
June |
2024 |
SR5 |
Journal of Systems and Software |
United States |
February |
2020 |
SR3 |
Journal of the ACM |
United States |
February |
2020 |
SR1 |
Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision |
United States |
December |
2023 |
SR3 |
Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics |
United States |
December |
2023 |
SR2 |
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A |
United States |
February |
2020 |
SR3 |
Journal of Vision |
United States |
February |
2020 |
SR3 |
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation |
United States |
February |
2020 |
SR3 |
JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control |
United States |
October |
2023 |
SR4 |
Language and Speech |
United States |
February |
2020 |
SR4 |
Laser and Photonics Reviews |
Germany |
December |
2023 |
SR1 |
Machine Learning |
Netherlands |
Springer |
October |
2023 |
SR3 |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
United States |
February |
2020 |
SR2 |
Mathematical Problems in Engineering |
United States |
February |
2020 |
SR7 |
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation |
Netherlands |
February |
2020 |
SR5 |
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems |
United Kingdom |
February |
2020 |
SR4 |
Measurement Science and Technology |
United Kingdom |
IOP Publishing Ltd. |
February |
2022 |
SR4 |
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation |
Netherlands |
February |
2020 |
SR4 |
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing |
United States |
February |
2020 |
SR2 |
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing |
Germany |
February |
2020 |
SR3 |
Medical Image Analysis |
Netherlands |
Elsevier |
February |
2020 |
SR1 |
Medical Physics |
United States |
Other |
June |
2024 |
SR2 |
Micro and Nano Letters |
United Kingdom |
February |
2020 |
SR5 |
Microelectronics and Reliability |
United Kingdom |
February |
2020 |
SR4 |
Microelectronics Journal |
Netherlands |
Elsevier |
May |
2024 |
SR5 |
Microprocessors and Microsystems |
Netherlands |
February |
2020 |
SR6 |
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters |
United States |
February |
2020 |
SR5 |
Mobile Networks and Applications |
Netherlands |
February |
2020 |
SR4 |
Modern Physics Letters B |
Singapore |
February |
2020 |
SR7 |
Multimedia Systems |
Germany |
March |
2020 |
SR5 |
Multimedia Tools and Applications |
Netherlands |
February |
2020 |
SR5 |
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation |
United States |
February |
2020 |
SR2 |
Nanotechnology |
United Kingdom |
February |
2020 |
SR1 |
Nature Methods |
United Kingdom |
February |
2020 |
SR1 |
Nature Neuroscience |
United Kingdom |
Nature Publishing Group |
June |
2024 |
SR1 |
Nature Photonics |
United Kingdom |
December |
2023 |
SR1 |
Nature Reviews Neuroscience |
United Kingdom |
Nature Publishing Group |
June |
2024 |
SR1 |
Neural Computation |
United States |
February |
2020 |
SR2 |
Neural Computing and Applications |
United Kingdom |
February |
2020 |
SR4 |
Neural Networks |
United Kingdom |
Elsevier |
June |
2024 |
SR1 |
Neural Processing Letters |
Netherlands |
February |
2020 |
SR5 |
Neurocomputing |
Netherlands |
February |
2020 |
SR3 |
NeuroImage |
United States |
Elsevier |
May |
2023 |
SR1 |
Neuroscience |
United Kingdom |
Elsevier |
February |
2020 |
SR3 |
Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications |
United Kingdom |
March |
2020 |
SR2 |
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications |
Netherlands |
March |
2020 |
SR2 |
Nonlinear Dynamics |
Netherlands |
March |
2020 |
SR3 |
Nuclear Physics B |
Netherlands |
February |
2020 |
SR1 |
Optical and Quantum Electronics |
United States |
February |
2020 |
SR5 |
Optics and Laser Technology |
United Kingdom |
February |
2020 |
SR3 |
Optics and Lasers in Engineering |
United Kingdom |
Elsevier |
February |
2020 |
SR3 |
Optics and Lasers in Engineering |
Netherlands |
Elsevier Ltd. |
April |
2021 |
SR2 |
Optics Communications |
Netherlands |
February |
2020 |
SR4 |
Optics Express |
United States |
February |
2020 |
SR1 |
Optics Letters |
United States |
February |
2020 |
SR1 |
Optik |
Germany |
Elsevier |
August |
2022 |
SR5 |
Optimal Control Applications and Methods |
United Kingdom |
February |
2020 |
SR4 |
Pattern Recognition |
United Kingdom |
Elsevier |
February |
2023 |
SR1 |
Pattern Recognition Letters |
Netherlands |
Elsevier |
February |
2023 |
SR3 |
Pervasive and Mobile Computing |
Netherlands |
February |
2020 |
SR3 |
Photoacoustics |
Netherlands |
Elsevier |
August |
2022 |
SR2 |
Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications |
Netherlands |
February |
2020 |
SR5 |
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications |
Netherlands |
February |
2020 |
SR3 |
Physica B: Condensed Matter |
Netherlands |
February |
2020 |
SR4 |
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications |
Netherlands |
June |
2024 |
SR3 |
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena |
Netherlands |
March |
2020 |
SR2 |
Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures |
Netherlands |
February |
2020 |
SR4 |
Physica Scripta |
United Kingdom |
March |
2020 |
SR6 |
Physical Communication |
Netherlands |
Elsevier |
October |
2024 |
SR5 |
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics |
United States |
March |
2020 |
SR1 |
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics |
United States |
December |
2023 |
SR1 |
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics |
United States |
March |
2020 |
SR2 |
Physical Review Letters |
United States |
March |
2020 |
SR1 |
Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics |
Netherlands |
March |
2020 |
SR3 |
Physiological Measurement |
United Kingdom |
March |
2020 |
SR4 |
Plasmonics |
United States |
March |
2020 |
SR4 |
PLoS Biology |
United States |
May |
2023 |
SR1 |
PLoS Computational Biology |
United States |
May |
2023 |
SR1 |
Proceedings of the IEEE |
United States |
March |
2020 |
SR1 |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine |
United Kingdom |
March |
2020 |
SR5 |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering |
United Kingdom |
March |
2020 |
SR5 |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
United States |
National Academy of Sciences |
March |
2020 |
SR1 |
Radiotherapy and Oncology |
Ireland |
Elsevier |
March |
2020 |
SR1 |
Reliability Engineering and System Safety |
United Kingdom |
March |
2020 |
SR2 |
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews |
United Kingdom |
March |
2020 |
SR2 |
Renewable Energy |
United Kingdom |
March |
2020 |
SR2 |
Robotica |
United Kingdom |
March |
2020 |
SR4 |
Scientia Iranica |
Iran |
March |
2020 |
SR5 |
Security and Communication Networks |
United States |
March |
2020 |
SR6 |
Semiconductor Science and Technology |
United Kingdom |
March |
2020 |
SR3 |
Sensors |
Switzerland |
March |
2020 |
SR4 |
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical |
Netherlands |
March |
2020 |
SR2 |
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems |
United States |
March |
2020 |
SR3 |
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics |
United States |
March |
2020 |
SR3 |
SIAM Journal on Computing |
United States |
March |
2020 |
SR3 |
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization |
United States |
October |
2023 |
SR2 |
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences |
United States |
April |
2021 |
SR3 |
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications |
United States |
March |
2020 |
SR2 |
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis |
United States |
March |
2020 |
SR2 |
SIAM Journal on Optimization |
United States |
October |
2023 |
SR1 |
Signal Processing |
Netherlands |
June |
2024 |
SR2 |
Signal Processing: Image Communication |
Netherlands |
June |
2024 |
SR4 |
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory |
Netherlands |
March |
2020 |
SR4 |
Soft Computing |
Germany |
Springer |
March |
2020 |
SR4 |
Solar Energy |
United Kingdom |
March |
2020 |
SR2 |
Solid State Communications |
United Kingdom |
March |
2020 |
SR4 |
Solid-State Electronics |
United Kingdom |
March |
2020 |
SR4 |
Speech Communication |
Netherlands |
March |
2020 |
SR4 |
Statistics in Medicine |
United Kingdom |
March |
2020 |
SR2 |
Superconductor Science and Technology |
United Kingdom |
June |
2024 |
SR2 |
Systems and Control Letters |
Netherlands |
Elsevier |
October |
2023 |
SR2 |
Thin Solid Films |
Netherlands |
March |
2020 |
SR3 |
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control |
United Kingdom |
October |
2023 |
SR5 |
Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization |
United States |
March |
2020 |
SR5 |
Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems |
United States |
March |
2020 |
SR5 |
Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems |
United States |
March |
2020 |
SR6 |
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences |
Turkey |
March |
2020 |
SR7 |
Ultrasonics |
Netherlands |
Elsevier |
August |
2022 |
SR3 |
Vacuum |
United Kingdom |
March |
2020 |
SR4 |
Waves in Random and Complex Media |
United Kingdom |
March |
2020 |
SR5 |
Wind Energy |
United Kingdom |
March |
2020 |
SR3 |
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing |
United Kingdom |
March |
2020 |
SR5 |
Wireless Networks |
Netherlands |
March |
2020 |
SR4 |
Wireless Personal Communications |
Netherlands |
March |
2020 |
SR6 |