25778: Embedded Systems
Course Name: Embedded Systems
Course Number: 25778
Prerequisite(s): 25754 (Computer Structure and Microprocessor and Lab)
Co-requisite(s): -
Units: 3
Level: Undergraduate and Postgraduate
Last Revision: Spring 2019
Course Number: 25778
Prerequisite(s): 25754 (Computer Structure and Microprocessor and Lab)
Co-requisite(s): -
Units: 3
Level: Undergraduate and Postgraduate
Last Revision: Spring 2019
The purpose of this course is to acquaint electrical engineers with the components and types of embedded systems, design, implementation and evaluation of embedded and real-time systems.
- Embedded systems, definition and classification
- Components of embedded systems
- Embedded system design considerations
- Modeling, simulation and evaluation of embedded systems
- Types of embedded systems based on the type of processor and operating system
- Real-time embedded systems
- Prominent processors in today's embedded systems and their structure and architecture
- ARM Cortex M processors
- ARM Cortex A processors
- ARM Cortex R processors
- TI C6000 family DSP processors
- Processor selection rules and the role of the operating system
- Software implementation
- Firmware implementation in C language and assembler
- Code optimization
- Software implementation tools for ARM and DSP processors
- ARM Cortex A processors
- ARM Cortex R processors
- TI C6000 family DSP processors
- Algorithm mapping to processors structure
- Code optimization
- Implementation techniques and standards
- Numerical problems
- Quantization and overflow
- Floating point implementation
- Fixed point implementation
- Code optimization
- Software implementation tools for ARM and DSP processors
- ARM Cortex A processors
- ARM Cortex R processors
- TI C6000 family DSP processors
- Memory and its management and multi-core processors
- Side circuits and interface circuits
- Embedded systems based on Linux
- Open source hardware and software designs
- Linux operating system components and boot mechanism
- Programming and implementation in Linux environment
- Various Linux software libraries
- Different applications of embedded systems and implementation
- Embedded control systems
- Embedded audio and video systems
- Telecommunication and network systems
- Hardware and software security
- Internet of Things systems, network standards and security
- M. Wolf, High Performance Embedded Computing, Morgan Kauffmann, 2nd Edition, 2014
- P. Barry, P. Crowley, Modern Embedded Computing, Elsevier, 2012
- X. Fan, Real-Time Embedded Systems, Elsevier, 2015
- Real-Time Embedded Systems, Open-Source Operating Systems Perspective, CRC Press, 2012
- D. Abbot, Linux for Embedded and Real-Time Applications, 3rd Edition, Elsevier, 2013
- D. Molloy, Exploring Beaglebone, Wiley, 2015
- D. Molloy, Exploring Raspbery Pi, Wiley, 2016
- L. D. Pyeat, Modern Assembly Language Programming with the ARM Processor, Elsevier, 2016
- TI Teaching ROMs: www.ti.com
Last Update: 2024-06-09