25765: Digital Signal Processing
Course Name: Digital Signal Processing
Course Number: 25765
Prerequisite(s): 25742 (Signals and Systems)
Co-requisite(s): -
Units: 3
Level: Undergraduate
Last Revision: Spring 2020
Course Number: 25765
Prerequisite(s): 25742 (Signals and Systems)
Co-requisite(s): -
Units: 3
Level: Undergraduate
Last Revision: Spring 2020
The objective of this course is to introduce students to the principles of digital signal processing and the design of discrete-time filters.
- Review of Signals & Systems
- Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) and its properties
- Random Signals and Power Spectral Density
- Review of Z-Transform & its properties
- Review of Sampling Theorem
- Nyquist-Theorem
- Resampling (Up/Down Sampling)
- Multi-rate Signal Processing, Polyphase representation, and Filterbanks
- A-to-D Converters
- Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and its properties
- LTI Systems Analysis using Fourier and Z Transformations
- System Function, Inverse, Linear Phase
- Relationship between System Response Amplitude and Phase
- All-pass systems
- Minimum-Phase Systems and their properties
- Linear Phase Systems
- Discrete-Time Filter Design
- IIR Filter Design: Review of Analog Filter Design (Butterworth, Chebyshev, …)/ Analog Filter based, Filter Design (Impulse Invariance, Bilinear Transformation)
- FIR Filter Design (Windowing, Frequency Sampling, Parks-McClellan)
- Different Structures for System Implementation
- System representation with Flow-graphs
- Direct, Cascade, Parallel, and Transposed Forms
- Efficient Implementation Methods for DFT
- FFT-based Methods
- Convolutional-based Methods
- Frequency-Domain and Time-Frequency Analysis of Signals
- Discrete Hilbert Transform
- Alan V. Oppenheim, “Discrete-Time Signals and Systems”, Prentice Hall, 1999.
- McClellan, Burrus, Oppenheim, Parks, Schafer, Schuessler, “ Computer-Based Exercises for Signal Processing Using MATLAB”
- J. G. Proakis, D. G. Manolakis, "Digital Signal Processing; Principles, Algorithms and Applications", 4th Edition, Pearson, 2006.
- B. Porat, 'A Course on Digital Signal Processing’, Wiley, 1996.
- W. Alexander and C. M. Williams, "Digital Signal Processing; Principles, Algorithms and System Design", Academic Press, 2016.
Last Update: 2024-04-30