25762: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves 
Course Name: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
Course Number: 25762
Prerequisite(s): 25733 (Electromagnetics)
Co-requisite(s): -
Units: 3
Level: Undergraduate
Last Revision: Winter 2020

The objective of this course is to understand phenomena related to the propagation, reflection, and refraction of plane waves, as well as to become familiar with the conducting media of electromagnetic waves, including transmission lines and waveguides.
  • Review of Maxwell equations in time and frequency domains, electromagnetic potentials
  • Plane electromagnetic waves: polarization, Poynting vector, reflection from a conducting plate (normal and oblique incidence), reflection and refraction of plane waves by dielectric media (normal and oblique incidence, TE and TM polarization), Brewster angle, total internal reflection
  • Transmission lines: distributed equivalent circuit model, transmission line equations, characteristic impedance and propagation constant, dissipation, and skin effect, coaxial lines, microstrip lines, Smith chart, 1- and 2-stub impedance matching using Smith charts
  • Cavity waveguides: TE and TM modes, parallel-plate waveguide, rectangular waveguide, propagation constant, phase and group velocity, wave impedance, loss in waveguides
  • Dielectric slab waveguide: TE and TM modes, discrete and continuous modes
  • David Cheng, Field and Wave Electromagnetics
  • Ramo, Whinnery, Van Duzer, Field and Waves in Communication Electronics
  • J. D. Kraus, D. A. Fleisch, Electromagnetics

Last Update: 2024-05-06